Thursday, February 19, 2009


I can become more proficient in keyboarding by using tech connect online keyboarding because it shows me way how to type without looking (and right now i am typing and looking at the keys and i need to practice... No Excuses!). Also by typing  each day without looking and seeing my results and improvement ( so right now i am trying  to do it.)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In the future, learning how to use Keyboarding rules will help me by making projects, essays, and any other report neat and organized and like for example, like my report on top of this post, i followed the rules and look how it came out... Beautiful and neat  and i think it looks organized and all planed out and like any other report i followed the rules and i think my report is going to gat a good grade.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Learning how to use Bubble share be helpful in evaluating others PowerPoint because you can look at each slide an you can control the speed of the show and and can even pause the show for you can look at it more time and check if you like it and has the correct information and the back round is suitable for the slide. And in bubble share you can pick how you want to represent your PowerPoint presentation.